Choosing the Right Appointment

Acute Appointments

Acute issues are problems or concerns that have occurred recently. Examples may include asthma flare-ups, rashes, urine infections, sore throat or coughs. For these problems, the Practice runs several services that you can book into. You may also be offered some of these services by our Reception team. They may ask you to describe your condition to ensure that you are accessing the correct service.

Booking for these acute clinics begins at 8:15am each weekday morning. The options available include:.

Acute Clinical Practitioner Consultations

Our Acute Clinical Practitioner is a specialist in short-term, sudden onset conditions. They provide full face-to-face assessments, suggest treatments and refer onward if needed. They are also issue most prescriptions without the need to consult the GP.

These clinics are available Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please book through our Reception team..

GP Consultations

If you are unsure of the nature of your issue you may need to see a GP. These clinics each weekday morning and afternoon. Demand for these appointment is high. Patients can often be seen sooner by an alternative service listed on this page.

For information on home visits, please click here..

First Contact Physiotherapists

If you have muscle pain or movement issues, you can book to see our in-surgery physiotherapist. You do not need to see a GP first. They will assess you and suggest techniques and exercises for you to perform. If necessary, they will refer you onto the hospital for further investigations.

These clinics are Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ask our Reception team for details..


Routine or Follow-up Appointments

Routine appointments deal with issues that not urgent and are able to wait a few weeks. Follow-up appointments are for issues you have already spoken to a clinician about. For example, these may include medication reviews or issues ongoing for more than 3 weeks.

The options include:.

GP Consultations

A proportion of our GP consultations made available for routine booking by patients. These are also bookable by other clinicians if needed. GPs may also arrange their own follow-ups with patients who they wish to see again in the future.

These appointments are booked in advance and are first released at 2:30pm each weekday..

Clinical Pharmacists

The Practice has a team of pharmacists who work alongside our GPs and Nurses. They make sure patients are on the correct medication and have had all the necessary testing. They offer appointments for medication reviews, without the need to see the GP. They can reauthorise and issue medication as needed.

Face-to-face and telephone appointments run most Monday, Tuesdays and Fridays. These are available through our Reception team..

Extended Hours Consultations

The Practice offers some appointments before 8:30am and after 6:00pm on a weekly and monthly basis. These include GP and Nurse appointments. Further information is available here..


How To Book an Appointment

If you wish to book an appointment you can do so either by:.


You can call the surgery on 0114 234 5338 and speaking to a member of the Reception team. Phone lines open at 8:15am and again at 14:30pm.

On days where demand is higher, you may experience a longer wait for your call to be answered. You may be placed in a queuing system until a Receptionist becomes available. If there is an engaged tone or you disconnect straight away then the que may already be at full capacity. If so, please call back at a later time.


Logging in to our online services to view any appointments available for booking.

You can get you unique username and password from our Reception team at either site. Please bring along a form of photo identification. For more information on our online services click here. 


How To Cancel an Appointment

If you are unable to attend for your booked appointment, please let the Practice know as soon as possible. You can cancel your appointment in one of the following ways:

  • Calling the surgery on the main number 0114 234 5338 during our opening hours.
  • Using your online services account. Use the "Future Appointments" option and finding the appointment you wish to cancel.
  • By using the link provided in your reminder text message.

Failing to attend, without informing the practice, will count as "Did Not Attend". Frequent non-attenders will warned about this. Their attendance for future appointment will also be monitored.


When All Appointments Have Gone

The Practice aims to review and predict the number of appointments needed on any given day. This may mean some days have more or less appointments based on factors such as past demand or the time of year.  Yet, on some days there are more people wanting to an appointment than there is time to see them. We know this is can be frustrating. Patient should continue to be respectful and follow our behaviour policy (found here).

On these occasions we may ask if you feel the problem must be dealt with the same day. We will try to accommodate you where possible, but you may be offered one of the following:.

Urgent Triage Appointments for Under-16s

The Practice wants all children that need to access healthcare to do so. Please let our Reception team know if your child or dependent has any of the following:

  • A rash
  • Suspected ear or water infection
  • Sore throat which you suspect could be Tonsillitis
  • Any acute infection
  • they are in distress or discomfort

We offer you an appointment where possible or arrange for a GP to contact you. This system is in place to deal with acute on the day medical problems and NOT routine health issues..

Telephone Triage

The triage system is an offer of a telephone call from a GP for patients who are in need of a urgent advice. This service runs up to 12:00pm midday when no routine appointments remain available. The Receptionist will ask about your problem to check it is appropriate for this service. This will be problems that are unable to wait until the following day. A GP will call you when available and tell you on the most appropriate treatment or course of action.

This is not an alternative to a booked appointment. It is not appropriate for dealing with routine health issues. 

Extended Access Consultations

The surgery is also able to book patients into the Sheffield-wide primary care hubs. The are run by Primary Care Sheffield (PCS) across the city.

Our Reception team will offer you this service if your problem is suitable..

NHS 111 Advice Service

If you are unsure what to do, NHS 111 is a national advice service is available to all patients in England. They are available between the hours of 18:30pm and 08:00am seven days a week, including bank holidays. Dial 111 from your phone or mobile. Calls to this number are free of charge.

You will then speak to a trained advisor who will ask you some simple questions who will then:

  • find out what local service can help you
  • be connected to a nurse, emergency dentist, pharmacist or GP
  • get a face-to-face appointment if you need one
  • be told how to get any medicine you need
  • get self-care advice

Any information about your call and the reason for your contact is sent to your the next working day. 

The Sheffield NHS Walk-in Centre

The Sheffield NHS Walk-in centre provides care for all patients in the Sheffield area. Any member of the public can walk-in and see a clinician at the centre for advice and treatment. This is for common illnesses that are urgent but not life threatening. A long wait is possible busy times.

They can help you with:

  • Persistent coughs
  • Severe sore throats
  • Rashes
  • Infections
  • Sudden worsening of long term conditions

The following would not be appropriate for this service:

  • Injuries that may need an X Ray
  • Long standing medical conditions that looked after by your own GP.
  • Sick Notes/Fit For Work Notes.
  • Dental Problems - we can only provide pain relief not antibiotics.
  • Repeat Prescriptions - Emergency short supply only.
  • Ear syringing

This address is:

Rockingham House, 75 Broad Lane, S1 3PB

Telephone: 0114 271 2700

Opening times: 8:00am to 10:00pm

Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website